Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Toast !

Spent a little time tonight, thinking about what I might do for the RA Summer Exhibition. This years theme is ‘Man Made’. There isn’t a great deal of time before this needs to be done, so oil is out and it can’t be anything as complex as the ‘Empty’ idea from my last post…

I got a copy of the complete works of Leonardo Da Vinci for Christmas…thank you Santa :) and in there are some drapery studies that look absolutely stunning, as soon as I saw them I thought I’d have to try and have a go at something similar…so I’ve started from there…some artistic looking drapes…Thinking about how I might weave the man made element into this, I though of ‘displaying’ a man made item on the drapes…something you might not expect to see centre stage…my initial thought was to use a laptop…perhaps with a Leonardo painting on the screen…

I was thinking that a contrast between a fairly realistically painted man made item in the centre and very loosely painted ‘arty’ drapery background could be interesting…the looseness highlighting the man made nature of the painting itself…

Then I started wondering about what other man made items I could use instead of the laptop…a pile of bricks…some mechanical device…a toaster!....I should point out I was thinking about this while stood in the kitchen, blankly staring at the toaster…as you do…a toaster…with some bread in the top…the toaster is modern, chrome, reflective, a good contrast for the drapery…and the bread…a VERY old man made item…old and new, man made…and not usually placed on a pedestal in such a way…

So there you go, the ultimate man made item…toast…!

A brilliant idea…or completely barking??? I need to sleep on it…what do you think ?



SueC said...

....completely barking

Unknown said...

lol...ok, that's one against...;)