Sunday, 16 March 2008

In My Head

Did this today. Pastels, charcoal and watercolour. An attempt at a portrait of the inside and outside of my head…clearly it’s very messy in there/here…


Lorna said...

...very good! Aka 'The Scream"?

Unknown said...

There’s a bit of Munch meets Pollock in there perhaps…

SueC said...

Mullock prehaps.....???

I think this is really really good. You should definitely do some more like this

Unknown said...

Mullock sounds about right ;)

Will certainly play around with this style some more…particularly working the pastel into the watercolours…may give me some interesting landscape effects…and as for the brooding self portrait element…I expect you’ll be seeing more of that too ;)

MissT said...

I live this very much - esp. the muddy brownness of it.

is there are significance that this is the first self portrait of you that I´ve seen that admits you wear specs?

Unknown said...

No real significance to the specs in this instance miss t…specs generally can be a bit of a problem, because the frames can cut across the pupils and you can have reflections in the way…and I suppose they do distance you from the eyes to some extent…and it’s generally the eyes that ‘make’ a portrait…It’s strange how people think of me ‘with’ specs…I think of myself as being more ‘me’ without them…but I guess that’s because I have to put up with seeing myself in the bathroom mirror every morning…lol

Adam said...

Tell them about the specs on the statue by the cathedral Miss T!

MissT said...

G - I've posted a statue with specs on my blog. It's quite powerful.

I def. think of me with specs, but then I can't see myself in the bathroom mirrow without them!

Unknown said...

Took a look at that statue with glasses, rather interesting…I like the way the they morph out of the head…could make an interesting starting point for a painting…:) Thx Miss T :)