Printed the first colour this afternoon (3 more colours to go). All went well...I think :) I've printed onto cards (42 at the moment, might lose a few as I add the remaining colours, but should have a reasonable run I hope). The cards have quite a textured surface, but actually the ink took really well to them...So they currently all look promising :) I'll leave the lino to dry out a little before going onto the second cut. Then when I print that colour, we'll see how well I've lined everything up...:)
Really looking forward to the next stage. It'll be interesting to see each colour run side by side and see how the print builds.
Perhaps you can use the cards as invites to a summer party 8-).
I am impressed....even I can't do 42 in one go ;-)
lol I'll give that summer party idea some thought Miss T. :)
You seem to have inspired me to increase my productivity Sue, hence 42 at once :) – actually, if I did more as cards, I’d look to do 100-200 at a time…as most of the time is spent carving…the printing is fairly straight forward…so with a long print run, I might actually make a profit…:)
I think it's ALWAYS good to have some 'low cost' items like cards at an exhibition. People will buy them out of guilt if they can't afford/don't like the paintings.
Well - that's true of me anyway. 8-)
I am converted. I'm going to Shillbrooks tomorrow to buy a scalpel.....
Are you up for a cyber game?
In which case...tag.
(You need to check on my blog to find out what to do)
I like your print a lot so far!! I haven't been brave enough to try a suicide print yet... Good luck! I look forward to seeing the next stage.
It would seem that your earlier productivity has deserted you. Come on, you'll never get your studio this way.....;-) ;-)
(((Cracks whip)))
Yes, productivity has taken a bit of a knock over the last week hasn’t it…and you’re quite right Sue, I really must work towards that studio…I need a positive goal in life :) Thanks for your comment Lesley, I’ve actually printed the second colour (light green) but it’s so close to the grey I’m not sure you’ll notice in a photo :( Will post a picture tonight though, along with another design I’ve done for an Aquilegia… I thought I’d try a few flowers as they seem to be a good subject for cards and these will give me a change to practice some of these lino techniques before moving onto some bigger/more artist subject matter…:)
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