Saturday, 25 August 2007

It's summer out there...

A lovely afternoon so I wandered off down the Cassington road in search of something to paint...after stumbling through the stinging nettles in a few fields, I settled on this view as I liked the shadows being cast on the crops...this also meant I could paint in the shade...:) quite pleased with the results... I'm finding a bit of a rhythm as I'm painting, getting a balance between the different marks and becoming more comfortable "letting go" and allowing the painting to find its own feeling quite good about the watercolours at the moment...just need to keep the momentum going :)


Lorna said...

Like this!

SueC said...

Great work. When you compare this to the river can see immediately how much you have moved on. I'd save this one for the Arts Group exhibition if I were you ;-)

Unknown said...

Thank you Sue, I’m really glad you like it :) Strangely enough I think the “River” picture may turn out to be the most useful thing I’ve painting in a while…in that, its highlighting some problems in what I’ve been doing with the watercolours…hopefully I can continue to digest those issues and change my artistic path a wee bit :)…though I am also itching to get back to the oils…I’ve a few figurative ideas I want to get down on canvas… could be a busy winter once the sunny afternoon watercolours are put on hold :)