Monday, 6 August 2007


Nearly a month since my last blog…not very impressive is it…my day job has definitely been getting in the way of any evening artwork energy…must do something about that once my current project is finished (which should be in the next 6-8 weeks)…Did a little scribbling over the weekend and finished off this design for another card this evening, I still want to get a set of 6 of these flower cards together and these are quite nice to work on when I’m not overflowing with artistic juices…so to speak…


Hildegard of Bingen said...

The idea of someone overflowing with artistic juices makes me feel quite queasy...

Unknown said...

lol well these artistic types are a strange lot...:)

SueC said...

Another departure from the watercolours then. You'll break free eventually. :-)

One note (not of criticism) but the anthers at the top of the stamens are usually quite dark in comparison to the colour of the petals, so you may want to choose a darker colour for them, so they stand out a bit more too.

Unknown said...

Lol, well I’m off “watercolouring” next week, so I’ll have to try and inject a bit of energy into them…:) I think I can make the watercolours work as interesting pieces of art…I just need to find some extra magic…anyway, a week of experiments ahead…

You’re right about the stamens…already got 4 colours in the design though…which is pushing it from a time/commercial point of view…am thinking of doing the outlines in dark green and dark orange, so might be able to use a combination of the two to get some darkness into them…the lines are also a bit fine on this…so it might all go a bit wrong…but you don’t know ‘til you try, do you…:)

Hildegard of Bingen said...

I don't like this site design, but here's some who's passionate about watercolour:

I think watercolours can be vivid and exciting, rather than 'whishy washy girlie stuff' - but then you have to put a bit of your soul into them.

Go on, take a few risks, leave your comfort zone - confront the inner Rice!