Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Bored with titles that say tiles part…:)

Just painted for a couple of hours tonight, but managed to move things forward. I've added a bit of shading to the two hues of blue tiles and quickly blocked in the side of the bath and the water, which will include shades from the tiles.

I'm going to leave the tiles now and move onto the flesh under painting. I've painted a mid tone on all the tiles and then taken the lighter tiles up a tone, I could now take the darker ones down in tone, but I think I want to wait until I got more down on the rest of the picture. I still haven't settled on exactly how much contrast to have in the overall picture... If I fix this as I'm working on the skin, I can then darken the outer tiles accordingly. They'll also be lots more colour and highlights to go on the tiles...So plently more work for that area yet...:)

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