Thursday, 18 January 2007

Tiles...part two

More tiles tonight. One more shade of blue to go in the remaining gaps and then I'll put on a bit of tone, then I'll leave them alone until the rest of the picture has some paint on it :) I'm really just blocking in the colour. Once I've done that on everything, I'll be able to see what I've got and start fine tuning...That's the point where the real fun and real headaches start :)


Lorna said...

Can you post at least one detail (close up) as looking at the mark making is difficult by photo? The griselle looks very orange on my screen

Unknown said...

i'll take a more detailed shot as soon as I sober up...;) nice seeing you (and Sue...and Lucy tonight :)

G :)

Unknown said...

Hi Miss T & Lorna

Hopefully the latest post will have the kind of detailed shot you were after. I’ll keep adding in a few of those as/when/if I put some interesting brushstrokes down :)