Monday, 15 January 2007

Second Wash

Well, I've put another layer on tonight. I'm starting to spot the little areas where I can tweak the light and shade to add some nice contrasts. Hopefully you can faintly see an extra pile of bubbles on the left...this should allow me to have some darker water just below them, and just above the arm coming in from the left. The arm should have a nice highlight on the top, this will/should then standout nicely from the new "dark" water behind it.

That's it for the under painting now, time to get some oil on, usually I'd start with the face, but I think this time I'm probably going to put a rough set of tiles in the background. There are a couple of reasons for this...

1. The tiles are pretty fiddly and there's lots to paint over them, so doing them first will give me nice clean edges for the foreground elements.

2. The face is quite dark and I'm a bit worried about balancing this with the dark tiles in the background...If I get them down first, I "think" I'll find it easier to balance the two...but check back tomorrow, because I may have changed my mind by then ;)

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